Wednesday, March 9, 2011

dropping the bomb

     "So how was your day, dear". questioned Martha.
     "same old same ol-" shrugged rick
     "Thats all you ever have to say. For god's sake Rick something must have happened!" she yelled, "Everyday its the same damn thing!"
     Rick stared at her with surprise,"Well Martha I'm sorry but you know how the military is." he replied calmly, " I am just a bomber pilot and world war two is coming to a close.
     "But Donna's husband says Japan is a loose end and needs to be thought about." combated Martha.
     "Donna's husband... the florist? That tiny country couldn't do anything against the great United States." argued Rick.
Unlike his thoughts of the war, Rick new this fight was not over.
"Okay dear I'm sorry I'll be honest a couple of the guys have talked about that and we pulled straws on it,"
     "What!" exclaimed Martha. "Don't tell me you pulled straws on who would do the bombing. Besides that doesn't even make sense their will be too many bombs for only a couple of planes, right?
    Rick nervously answered "Well to be honest we will only need one the scientists finished a bomb that could do a lot of damage but not to worry it is very accurate... I think."
     "You think? You think? What the hell Rick, Are you not worried about casualties. asked Martha
     "Come on Martha, Einstein is pretty smart I doubt he would make such a ground breaking bomb and not take casualties into count. It's not like Japan will be destroyed." he chuckled. I'm sure in fifty years nobody will remember the bombing of Hiroshima.

1 comment:

  1. 3 of 4 complete. Sufficient detail in your dialogue, others need more detail. Blogs need spell checking and proofreading.
