Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Crystallized and Captivated

The alternative and tranquil band, The XX, releases deeply emotional music with strong lyrics. The London native band produces a romantic and mesmerizing sound that is incomparable to any new age band in 2011. The song Crystallized is sung by a female speaking to her boyfriend that wants her to be more than she can be and how he pushes her to it. The overall mood is dismal but accepting towards his feelings. She tells him he "applied the pressure to have [her] crystallized" explaining that she feels pressured to change by him this is an example of symbolism. The singer feels that her ex expected "That [she] could bring paradise" to him is a cliche. although imagery is not a strong device used and The XX is much more literal conveying "Things have gotten closer to the sun" this gives the listener the idea of the sadness through imagery. The final line in which she asks hypothetically “Does it lesson your affection” is an example of internal rhyme. Throughout the lyrics of this artist, the modern band brings a gentle but firm message of love and hurt that ripples through their album.       Crystalllized

You've applied the pressure
To have me crystallized
And you've got the faith
That I could bring paradise

I'll forgive and forget
Before I'm paralyzed
Do I have to keep up the pace
To keep you satisfied

Things have gotten closer to the sun
And I've done things in small doses
So don't think that I'm pushing you away
When you're the one that I've kept closest

[ahh ahh ahh] x4

You don't move slow
Taking steps in my directions
The sound resounds, echo
Does it lesson your affection

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

321 Niam Avenue
Penticton, British Columbia,
V2A 3W1

May 25, 2011

Mr. Kleats
badminton coach
Central High School 123 Main Street,
Sportstown, British Columbia,
V2A 1W3.

Dear Mr. Kleats:

My name is Boyd Taylor and I am the parent of Suzy Taylor. Being the only coach I realize that instructing the girls can be difficult. There are a few concerns I wanted to bring to your attention.
Some of the parents, including myself, have noticed that you have been having trouble getting to practice on time. We do realize that you are a busy person and that coaching is taken out of your own time but it would be very helpful if you could be earlier or let us help for the beginning.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Any Given Weekday

     Faint chanting surrounds the field, the coach is hoarse on the side lines and the team is putting in a extremely moderate effort. The score is tied... for the first 5 minutes. This sets the stage for a very familiar school activity, sports. Whether its backwards football, competitive running, grass hockey, or wimpy tennis the students at Princess Margaret Secondary School try their best in all of them.

     Now some may say our school teams aren't very successful and describe them using the "S" word, suck, but in reality a lot of work goes into being such average athletes. For example the basketball and volleyball teams put in so much effort doing suicides, laps and generally hard work. The problem that lies within this is the end result. What is it for? Because in the end the only thing to show for it is a hunk of shiny metal and a memory. While the average teams will move on because there's no disappointment when there's no plan on winning.

     When the teams drag their feet to the field. The fans start coming out and take their places on the balding field. The fans sit expectantly, but with low expectations because that way they will always be impressed, some what. Although we may not succeed in many sports our school succeeds in mediocrity.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

dropping the bomb

     "So how was your day, dear". questioned Martha.
     "same old same ol-" shrugged rick
     "Thats all you ever have to say. For god's sake Rick something must have happened!" she yelled, "Everyday its the same damn thing!"
     Rick stared at her with surprise,"Well Martha I'm sorry but you know how the military is." he replied calmly, " I am just a bomber pilot and world war two is coming to a close.
     "But Donna's husband says Japan is a loose end and needs to be thought about." combated Martha.
     "Donna's husband... the florist? That tiny country couldn't do anything against the great United States." argued Rick.
Unlike his thoughts of the war, Rick new this fight was not over.
"Okay dear I'm sorry I'll be honest a couple of the guys have talked about that and we pulled straws on it,"
     "What!" exclaimed Martha. "Don't tell me you pulled straws on who would do the bombing. Besides that doesn't even make sense their will be too many bombs for only a couple of planes, right?
    Rick nervously answered "Well to be honest we will only need one the scientists finished a bomb that could do a lot of damage but not to worry it is very accurate... I think."
     "You think? You think? What the hell Rick, Are you not worried about casualties. asked Martha
     "Come on Martha, Einstein is pretty smart I doubt he would make such a ground breaking bomb and not take casualties into count. It's not like Japan will be destroyed." he chuckled. I'm sure in fifty years nobody will remember the bombing of Hiroshima.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I am so interesting that if I was to read the phone book to anyone they would be on the edge of their seat.  I am so interesting that one word conveyed from my mouth is worth a thousand pictures. I am so interesting that spilled milk cries over me. I can effortlessly judge a book by the cover. I am so interesting teachers sign up to teach.

My games of tic-tac-toe end in two moves. my triathlons are won before the bike ride begins.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Grade 12: The Final Frontier

     Set phasers to scared! Judging by the first sentence you, the reader, are probably thinking that this will be a stupid paragraph about my grade twelve year with random quotes from star trek woven in, like a nerdy tapestry well your completely right. In high school I have pushed myself to be the Captain Kirk of this educational expedition and do What I want, and I believe that it is a mission accomplished, for instance dressing as a certain country diva in front of the school. From the beginning of our education we are prepared for life after school, but I have decided that I am having to much fun in the moment to worry the future. This building has been my S.S. Enterprise, It contains so many characters with their own diverse stories and personalities. Along with  my fellow officers I go day to day enjoying this high school adventure. "live long and prosper".